We can offer assessments for Autism, ADHD or Autism + ADHD combined.

We work as a multidisciplinary team using established diagnostic tools in line with the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorder/Condition (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We also consider differential diagnoses during assessment, as recommended by NICE. Generally there will be two clinicians involved in the assessment, but we may refer to another member of our team if we need to seek a second clinical opinion.

Detailed below is an outline of the general assessment process for children. Our assessments with adults are broadly similar, except it is not always possible to gain information from an adult's parent about their early developmental history. In this situation, we can ask other family/friends for information to gather the best information possible to inform the assessment process. This will be discussed further at the telephone consultation stage.

All assessments consist of four stages:

STAGE 1 Initial telephone consultation.

We offer a 30-minute telephone consultation to all clients wishing to determine whether an Autism/ADHD assessment would be appropriate for their child. This will be arranged for a mutually convenient time and will be conducted by one of the clinicians. This will be an opportunity for you to ask further questions about the assessment process and for us to learn more about your child and their current areas of strength and need.

STAGE 2 Information gathering.

This includes the use of standardised questionnaires sent to parent/carers and the child’s education or day care setting. It will usually include conversations with staff in the child’s education/day care setting, if appropriate and consent is given. Upon completion of this, we will have a team discussion and telephone/email conversation with you to decide whether to proceed to the next stage of the assessment or provide alternative recommendations and a clinical report, if appropriate. At this stage, if (for example) an Autism assessment was agreed but we also feel (following review of the information gathered) that there are indicators to warrant an assessment of ADHD, this will be discussed before proceeding to see if you would like to expand the assessment to include ADHD (and vice versa).

STAGE 3 Parent/carer Interview.

A structured clinical interview appropriate for gathering developmental history information pertaining to Autism/ADHD (such as the ADI-R, the 3di, the DIVA or another similar tool) is used to gather relevant information about the young person’s developmental history and current areas of strength and need. This may be conducted with one or both clinicians and with or without the child present, depending on their age.

STAGE 4 Face to face assessment with the child/young person

For autism assessments, we use the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2. This is a semi-structured interaction, play and conversation-based assessment designed to elicit behaviours indicative of Autism. This will be administered by one of the clinicians, with the other observing and taking notes. Parents are not typically present during this part of the assessment, but this depends on the preferences of the young person and their family. For ADHD assessments, we have a more ‘free-flowing’ session involving activities and conversation. We also use the QB-check which is a computer-based assessment which objectively measures a person’s attention, activity and impulsivity during completion of a computer task and can compare these to samples of the neurotypical and ADHD population.

The ADI-R, 3di, DIVA and the ADOS-2 are all considered to be ‘gold standard’ tools for the assessment of Autism/ADHD and clinicians are fully trained to use these with all age groups.

We are flexible in how we offer each assessment, depending on the needs of the individual family. Stages three and four may take place on the same day or you may be offered appointments on different days. Following these assessments, we will review the information and offer a session to feedback the outcome within 1 week. Sometimes, following the completion of the above assessments, further information is necessary to reach a conclusion. If this is the case, we will offer to complete an observation of the young person in their education or day care setting and/or recommend further assessments. If additional work is required, the nature and cost involved is agreed before it is completed.

Please note that as a Psychology and Speech and Language-led service, whilst we offer a diagnostic service including a full formulation and understanding of a person’s experience, and give detailed recommendations following an assessment, we cannot provide medication for ADHD and so if you are hoping to pursue this, our service will be unable to help directly. This medication needs to be prescribed by a Paediatrician, Psychiatrist. Pharmacist or independent Nurse Prescriber. We have links with a Private Paediatrician and Private Prescribing Pharmacist who are happy to accept our comprehensive assessments and reports.

Cancellations or Non-Attendance

A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required for cancellations. Sessions cancelled by you after this time but in advance of the appointment will incur a charge of 25% of the full assessment fee as it is unlikely we will be able to offer the slot to another family at short notice. Sessions which are not attended without any prior warning will incur the full session fee.


When the assessment is complete, we will send a copy of the full assessment report to you and to your child’s GP. You will have the opportunity to review the report prior to it being finalised and sent out. If you would like anyone else to receive a copy of the assessment report, you can discuss this with the clinicians. All information shared in your child’s assessment will be kept confidential within our team and will not be shared without your prior consent. The exception to this is if you provide any information which leads us to believe that you, your child, or another person, is at significant risk of harm. If this happens, we will make every effort to discuss this with you first and agree together who else we need to contact.